If you wish to make a donation:
Flowers, plants and trees to be planted at the Armelinda House in remembrance of Milly should be sent to Cunningham Funeral Home or donations in memory of Milly may be sent to:
The Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind
1825 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Attn: In Memory of Armelinda “Milly” Peluzzo
A Tribute in Memory of Milly Peluzzo
From Her Daughter, Linda
I have had the privilege of spending a lifetime as the daughter of Armelinda Margaret Peluzzo, better known to me as Momma.
She never wore a crown, but I have many titles for her. Mother, friend, guiding light, mentor, confidant, drill sergeant, my inspiration. We laughed and cried together-sharing our joys and sorrows with complete confidence that there was never anything that we could not share.
The ear to listen, the shoulder to lean on, the tear to wipe a way, the cheek to kiss and the hug to make it all better- that was Momma.
Momma would always listen, advise, but not judge me-push but not discourage me, I could count on her to tell me the truth, even if it was not the answer I had wanted, and above all, ALWAYS loved me. She sang to me, rocked me, hugged me, taught me little Italian sayings that her Momma and Pappa taught to her, sang Old Marie in Italian to me and reminded me to remember our Italian roots, but be most proud of being an American. God Bless America came from her lips often as we would take rides and she would sing all of the old tunes with a spirit and spunk that I will always remember. “ Let’s do it one more time Linda, and this time lets give it a little more ommmph!!” She was like an energized bunny whose battery was everlasting.
Fear and failure were not in her vocabulary, instead common sense, truthfulness, courage and compassion were her constant companions and a genuine love and zest for life-that was My Momma. If you met her, you would not forget her, never at a loss for words, she possessed a gracious charm and personality that would warm your heart. There was always room for one more at our dinner table, and if you were ever lucky enough to taste her Italian Meat Balls-you had the best!!
Momma asked our Father to take her home,and he ever so gently did with dignity, tenderness and love. When the gates of heaven opened to Momma, I know she was surrounded by all of her loved ones, and she shared that warm hug with our Lord.
There is no doubt that Momma will have the heavenly chorus singing on pitch and the Angels dancing on their toes.
So I will keep your songs in my heart, your twinkle in my eyes and your smile will shine from my lips everyday, Momma.
You never wanted to say goodbye-so today-it is simply, I will see you in my dreams until we are together again.
I will love you for eternity, your grateful daughter.